How to Uninstall Avast Secure Browser

If you’d like to remove Avast Safeguarded Browser from your computer, there is a couple of solutions to do so. The first is to use an uninstall electrical power, such as the CCleaner, to get rid of any leftover files. If you’re new with this type of computer software, you can learn more about how to take out any plan with this tool. You can also the actual steps discussed below to uninstall Avast Secure Web browser from your PERSONAL COMPUTER.

The next step in the act is to start a control prompt and type regedit. Once you’ve joined the go to my blog command, a pop-up eyeport will appear requesting to confirm the deletion of the browser’s parts. Select Yes and just click OK to verify the procedure. Once the program finishes, you must see a success warning. Then, close the program. Once you’re carried out, restart your pc.

Alternatively, you may also open the task manager by hitting Win+X mutually. Then, find Avast Protected Browser inside the Startup case and turn off it from running. To uninstall Avast Secure Browser entirely, you should sign in as a great administrator. Make sure that no other antivirus applications are running and open the Apps & Features menu. From there, click on the Uninstall press button. This will take away Avast Protected Browser from the PC.

After uninstalling Avast Secure Internet browser from your pc, you should keep your security program is certainly not conflicting together with your Avast Security software. When you have previously set up Avast Security, you can also operate the same solution to uninstall Avast Protect Browser. Simply ensure that you have the right type of Avast Security before you start this process. In this manner, you can be sure that your system will probably be protected against malware, malware, and phishing.

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